
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Once the alien got told to get out of his cell he was forced to tell his old master why he left him for Earth because king Jalear raised Lexer like his own son but suddenly Lexer got bored of king Lear talking so he found a ball and threw it at Zelder. Next Zelder got angry at Lexer and went up to lexer and pushed him.Then zelder suddenly recognized the ball and threw it at Lexer while he was trying to get up. Then he started to laugh very hard that he could not breath.Then the king had enough of their behavior and told Lexer to come up to him… Suddenly lexer jumped on the king and tried to kill the king but…the king called his rhino and Zelder to come and help him finally they managed to get Lexer to get off king Jalear...but when Lexer hit the ground he pep talked to king Jalear and told him “It doesn't have to be this way” and that helped the king to realise that what he was doing is wrong so they finally became friends.King Lexer and Jalear became best of friends they'd always visit each other. By:Alisi,Nila and Christina!!!

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